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Tinubu Welcomes Yaron Ben-Zvi as New General Manager of Surety Business
Read moreJessica Mann, Tinubu EVP, CRO Americas, featured in NASBP Surety Bond Quarterly
An article about surety’s digital transformation, written by Jessica Mann EVP, Chief Revenue Officer of Tinubu, was featured in NASBP's Surety Bond Quarterly.
“Long reliant on paper contracts and manual processing, the surety industry is evolving. The pandemic expedited digitization across the industry, and we’re now utilizing technology in new ways to facilitate underwriting, simplify the bond placement process, and automate workflows.”
The article features insight into how technology is shaping the industry.
“While wet signatures and mailed contracts were once commonplace, digitized processes are becoming industry standard with digital signatures, seals, and electronic powers of attorney that are taking over the pen and paper aspects of our industry.”
“The surety industry is on the precipice of change, moving towards a more digitized environment that’s allowing for more adaptability and resiliency in a secure digital environment. It’s exciting to see how technology is transforming the way we work and how it will evolve over time, allowing the industry to work more efficiently and effectively than ever before.”
Read the full Surety Bond Quarterly Article.
A fact sheet about the Tinubu Surety Solution for Brokers & Agents, an industry-leading surety bond processing software.